The last form of traditional advertising Raborn Media assists with is print advertising. Print advertising uses physically printed media to reach consumers on a wide scale. The most common forms of print advertising include:

  • Newspaper
  • Brochure
  • Direct Mail
  • Magazine

With Print Advertising, one of the consistencies you’ll find with most of the mediums is the size of the ad drives a lot of the cost.

You can place ads that involve text only or display ads featuring photos/graphics/text that range from squares on the page to double-page spreads. Print ads also allow for a lot of creativity. An example of this may be placing a QR code in a specific ad with a call to action to scan the code and visit the website to be eligible to receive a promotion. Let’s review each one in more detail below.


Newspaper advertising comes in many different forms: local, regional, and national. In addition to that, these newspapers may be published on a daily, weekly, or possibly Sunday basis. This being the case, there are many ways companies can message their product or service based on their target audience and who subscribes to what service.


Even in this day and age of technology, brochures still provide value when it comes to not only advertising a product but explaining a product. In fact, this is the one medium where the whole document almost acts as an ad. Brochures establish mastery and brand all in one. Brochures also allow you to distribute consistent information in a mass setting. A good example of this would be an open enrollment meeting for employees to learn about their insurance benefits. In these instances, generally, an insurance carrier will provide product-specific brochures for their product and review these during the meeting – benefits, claim examples, exclusions and limitations. Brochures do a good job and provide a deeper dive into a specific product and brand.

Direct Mail

Direct mail is a type of print advertising that is physically delivered to a prospect’s mailbox through the postal service. The most common forms of direct mail are postcards, flyers, catalogs, and coupons. A few advantages of using direct mail include:

  • Interaction: when someone must physically handle something, they look it over, flip it back and forth, glance/read, and determine if it’s worth keeping. Usually, if there is a specific call to action associated with the piece of mail, such as a discount for a product when brought to the store, consumers are more likely to keep it.
  • Larger reach: as alluded to above, while technology is extremely prominent, there are still demographics and audiences that shy away from technology. Those individuals may be the target audience more aligned for your product and service.
  • Creativity: direct mail allows companies to get creative with their messaging and call to action. An example of this is a marketing team sent out direct mailers for World Water Day where the message was only visible after it was soaked in water.


Magazines are very similar in print advertising to newspapers in terms of appearance, but they are even more audience-specific. Magazines are primarily associated with a specific industry or interest. This allows for the targeting of ads to be much more specific, and also puts your brand in the spotlight across a region or the country. Like newspapers, magazines allow companies to buy ad space in different sizes, which drives the cost. When wanting to promote your brand or product to a specific targeted audience, magazines may be a good medium to consider.

While one of the older forms of advertising, print advertising is still effective to this day.

One of the key elements to Print Advertising is the trust associated with it.

There is so much out there on the internet, but if we receive something printed there is an element of trust felt with that brand. Raborn Media has the team and expertise to help guide you if print advertising is a cost-efficient method for the goals you have in mind for your brand or campaign.
