Public Relations

Email Campaigns

When used properly, email campaigns are one of the most effective ways to communicate with your target audience. After all, if they gave your business their email, they are already interested in the products or services of your company. However, the key phrase here is “when used properly.”

When Email Campaigns are not properly used, you run the risk of losing what could be a repeat customer.

Email campaigns, of course, need to be engaging. You want to use appealing graphics, impactful headlines, and make the entire thing aesthetically pleasing. However, there’s more to accomplishing this than you might think.

An engaging email campaign contains certain elements that can help you ensure success.

  • An automated email campaign helps you send the right message to the right people at the right time. For example, if a potential customer places items in their digital cart then exits the website, an automated email can prompt them to go buy those items.
  • A segmented email list allows you to target the different types of people in your customer base more directly. If you are launching a new product or service that only 1/3 of your existing audience would be interested in, this would help you target those exact people.
  • A personalized email helps your audience feel connected to the business. Using computer algorithms, your business can target when a customer buys a specific item, then send emails to that customer recommending they check out similar items to what they purchased. These emails can also be a great way to increase foot traffic.
  • A call-to-action is a great way to get potential clients to, well, take action. Your business will receive a higher volume of people actually clicking on a link when you simply use the phrase “Click below to learn more!” A call-to-action gives people a sense of responsibility towards your business.

These are only a few of the ways to differentiate and structure a successful email campaign.

With Email Campaigns here are many more factors to consider, such as opt-in campaigns, test emails, emails marketing stats (open rate, click rate, delivery rate, opt-out rate, etc.), and still more.

If you want to create a successful email campaign but are unsure where to start, let the Raborn Media team help you! Our team can help you accomplish your goals.
